Become a Friend of RSAF

Become a Friend of RSAF and you will be helping the talented young people at Ringwood School to reach their full potential in the Performing Arts.  You will also receive priority booking on our shows (where applicable).

Our minimum donation is £15 but any additional voluntary contribution above this can be Gift Aided, so please tick the box if eligible and boost your contribution.  There are many projects we would like to support and if you can donate more it would really make a difference to the students. Thank you!

Please complete the membership form below. Payment can be made in the following ways:


Sort Code: 30-84-87,  Account Number: 25846260
Please use the reference:  “your full name – Member”


Hand in your payment (in a named envelope) to Ringwood School reception (cheques made payable to RSAF) or post to RSAF, Ringwood School, Parsonage Barn Lane, Ringwood BH24 1SE.

To ensure you join RSAF in time for the next production, please refer to our Tickets page for important deadlines.



    Show tickets are purchased via The Barn, we must be able match your RSAF Membership email with your account on The Barn's booking system to enable Priority Bookings, please use the same email for both accounts. If you do not have an account on The Barn, please create one with the email provided below at

    Name of Payee (required)

    Contact Email (required)

    Postal Address (required)

    Postcode (required)

    Donation (required)

    Minimum donation is £15. Additional voluntary donations are very gratefully received.

    Your Payment Method (required)

    Privacy (GDPR) (required)
    Please confirm you are happy for RSAF to store your contact details and share your details with Ringwood School and The Barn, Ringwood as necessary to send you information including the priority booking link for our productions, news about events and process ticket bookings. Please refer to our privacy policy.

    - Please store my details and send me emails.

    Gift Aid*
    If you pay income tax at the standard rate then we can claim the tax back on your additional voluntary donation.

    I would like RSAF to claim Gift Aid on my donation.

    I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

    From time to time we may publish the names of our supporters, if you do not want your name to be published please indicate below.

    - I DO NOT want my name to be published.


    Print a form

    To use a printed form please print the form on our FAQs page click here

    For corporate donations or sponsorship please contact

    Annual memberships runs for the academic year (Sept to Aug).

    Thank you for your support.